I started using dropbox to collaborate in one of my classes and I find it very helpful. My classmate created a shared folder and invited me. It has been very interesting to use it, not only for the class project but in general. I can access my photos and my folders from any computer. I am still learning the different features but so far I like it. I can buy more storage capacity if I need it but for now it's fine.
Monday, November 29, 2010
I was preparing to do an interview via skype to possibly present it to my class for a presentation I was making on virtual worlds. I had the questions written on paper. I had downloaded Camtasia to record the video conference. I tried recording my skype conversaton with a friend so I could make sure it worked well.
Everything was so perfect until the exact time that I made the decision to use headphones during the interview. BIG MISTAKE! I ended my interview after 30 minutes of great conversation. The person I was interviewing was a TV and radio host so her voice was great. When I went to listen to the recording I couldn't heard her voice. I panicked! It turns out that using the headphones meant that Camtasia did not record her voice!! At the end of the day there was nothing I could do to get the recording to work.
I learned from this experience that in order to use things properly:
- Try the tools and software several times in advance.
- Do not try to get fancy when you are going to be nervous trying to keep an interview going.
I was exploring the different things you can do with Facebook. I created a Facebook group for which I uploaded one picture from my library. Then, I made some of my friends members of the group and gave them administrator rights.
At some point I received a message from Facebook saying my group page had been converted into a community page. I started getting very confused because now there were two pages for my group - one that was a "group" page and another community page that people could only "like."
Then, things got even more confusing when one of the administrators created an event in the community page instead of the facebook page I had created for the group. The problem was that the people that were members of the page didn't know about the event because it was on the community page.
I tried to fix it, but we haven't had an event since the change, so I don't know if this is still causing a problem. Next time, I will try to decide what is that I really need and then create it or maybe let the people involved switch to the right page and ignore the other one. I also might consider sending an email to all the members of the group telling them to just look at the community page, and then I can close the group page to avoid confusion.
I like twitter but I find that it is very difficult to tweet to a group of strangers that might not even care about my tweets. Since I opened my twitter account I have about 15 people following me. I checked some of them and I have a few that I know but the rest are just people that are advertising some type of products, and all that they want is to have me follow them back.
I am not sure if I am using twitter properly. I read my Ecuadorian news in twitter, check some of the twitter postings from the people or organizations I think are interesting. I also read the postings of my classmates, but other than that I hardly post anything.
There are things that I would like to retweet but the people I would like to read them are not using twitter. I hope one day the community that I know gets to use twitter or maybe I can suggest to them that they use twitter, and that could be another Tech stewardship project.
I have not been writing on my blog for a while but I had some topics that I wanted to write about like experiencing Type With Me. I will describe the approach I took and what are the things I would change if I work with with Type With Me again.
I added my message to the Type With Me file that was created for the purpose of writing a thank you letter to one of the guest speakers in our class. I didn't feel very comfortable having to type directly into the online message file so my approach was to write it on a word document and then copy and paste it. I guess this is fine, even though when you look at the recording you can see how everybody's ideas were developing and mine just suddenly appeared.
We had some time allocated during class to edit the group's messages and condense them into one letter. It was chaos at the beginning, since everyone had different ideas and it was hard to come to an agreement of who will be in charge of which part. Everybody just started editing at the same time and words were disappearing and appearing on the screen. The good thing is that somehow we managed to do it successfully and it was a fun activity.
These are some things that are important to consider when using Type With Me, based on the experience I had:
- To avoid chaos, when you work with a group, especially online, you should state very clear instructions before hand.
- Explain the purpose and expectations of the document.
- Divide the document in sections and assign each section to a group.
- While the idea is collaborating all together, you shouldn't have everybody editing at the same time.
- Work on some structure for the ideas that will be included in the document.
I really enjoyed my experience with Type With Me and I will definitely use it in the future. This is a great tool for collaboration but I need to explore more how I can use it properly with a group. I just wrote a few tips that I consider important but I need to reflect and try using the tool a little bit more.
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Tonight I let my avatar experience her first live talk show in Second Life, "Tonight Live with Paisley Beebe." Paisley Beebe hosts avatars who come on the show to talk about the work they are doing in SL. They talked about health, music, and art. It was quite interesting even though I had some problems with the sound (there was an echo). I had trouble finding a good seat because the room filled up so quickly!!
I found it interesting to think that many of these people are artists and musicians in real life, yet somehow having a radio show with the real-life people speaking about their lives would not be as interesting, but a SL show with avatars speaking transports you to another level of interaction. You can chat with the avatars and interact in a way you couldn't through a simple radio show. The avatars also can express real-life gestures like clapping during the show. Even the interviewees can use gestures while they are answering questions. What does SL gives to the user that any other web 2.0 interface does not give? Is it a new market for artists to get their work known?
These are some of the pictures I took during the show. Guess which one I am? :)
Last week while I was visiting Help Island Public in Second Life, I experienced and observed three different interactions:
1. An avatar in the shape of a huge spider was talking or I would say... kind of bullying another avatar named Calixto.
2. Some avatars were having a conversation about whether voice masking was ok on second life.
3. I received an email from an avatar who had offered to help me earlier and who I had responded "no, thanks" because I had to leave.
I was wondering about each of these interactions and I came up with these questions:
1. Is the look of your avatar a reflection of who you would like to be? What would you gain from being more powerful than other avatars? Why would someone go on Second Life to bully another avatar? What motivates them to do that? Are they trying to compensate for something in their own life?
2. Why would you use voice masking if people don't even know who you are or what you look like in real life?
3. Could the people that offer help to the point of sending an email after you log off be predators? Or are they simply people trying to be extremely helpful?
On September 30th, Ecuador lived through a crisis. There were police riots and the president was held by the police for several hours, ending with a thirty minute gun battle to rescue the president. All of this was updated in the presidential twitter account.
While this was happening, the presidential facebook page was overflowing with messages of support for democracy. I couldn't believe what was happening. You didn't need to be present in Ecuador... holding a flag and demonstrating on the streets to show your support. You just needed to have a facebook page and keep checking your twitter account for updates on the crisis.
As a result of this commotion, the presidents of the country members of the Union of South American Nations - UNASUR - held an emergency meeting in Argentina to talk about the crisis in Ecuador. The meeting lasted for an hour and a half. It was then that the group of presidents decided that for future emergency meetings they will use technology and they will have virtual meetings so they don't have to fly so far for such a short meeting.
Various presidents already use social media. In times of crisis, I found out from this experience that the best way to keep updated is via twitter.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
My relationship with social media is in the romance phase. Everything is new, so wonderful and enjoyable. However, as with any new relationship, I feel overwhelmed. There are too many choices on the web. I would just describe this feeling as a social media tsunami.
Numerous blogs to follow, interacting with lots of people on skype , checking a bunch of people postings, twitters to follow, videos to comment on, virtual shelves to fill in with books, keep up with google waves, sites to visit and more. Besides all that I also have to take care of someone else's life...My Avatar. It is like I don't have enough to do in one life so now I start a social life in my virtual world.
Despite all of this, I am enjoying this experience very much. I know I have to try to narrow down my interactions and focus on a specific topic so I can succeed on the next assignment. I guess this is a process and part of the process is feeling overwhelmed but as long as I feel that the romance is worth it I should just stick with it and enjoy it. Who knows, I might end up falling in love.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I was looking at my niece's facebook page and I saw that she had taken off her pictures and all the postings and profile information. I called her and I asked why she had decided to do that and she told me that in the news in Ecuador they had been talking about the different ways criminals were operating. One of them was using social networks as a way to get to meet the victim. They get to know their family, friends and network and they commit so-called "express kidnappings."
After that conversation, I can't stop thinking about the fact that our decisions to be part of social networks make our privacy vulnerable to any type of crime. That doesn't mean that it always has to happen but it makes me aware of the importance of knowing what type of information we share on the web.
Coincidentally, I watched on the news about some teenagers using facebook to post pictures of a rape they committed. The computer expert that was interviewed just said that once your pictures are online it is very difficult or almost impossible to get them off. I guess this poor girl's nightmare is going to be on the web for a long time.
Now, I wonder if it's worth it to be part of the social networks and being connected to people we sometimes don't even know very well. Do we get something back from all of these interactions? Why do we want to see what other people are doing? What do we think - that people's comments on our postings mean that we are close to them, or even more that they care about us? How about our safety? Is it worth it to be exposed to have someone badly use our information? How about teenagers and all these cases of cyber-bullying? I guess being connected is "cool" and people don't think about the other ramifications and taking precautions to avoid negative things. Like any tool, social networking can be used for both good and bad.
Monday, September 13, 2010
My first assignment for my Social Computing class is to follow 10 different social media applications or sites and write a diary of my experiences and reflections. I started by thinking which are the social media applications or sites that I am already using and I came up with the following list (10 plus a bonus):
My first assignment for my Social Computing class is to follow 10 different social media applications or sites and write a diary of my experiences and reflections. I started by thinking which are the social media applications or sites that I am already using and I came up with the following list (10 plus a bonus):
- Skype
- Google talk
- Delicious
- You tube
- Blogs
- Google docs
- Wikispaces
- Second Life***(Bonus)
I was very impressed that social media has been part of my life without even realizing it. I guess the main idea of this new world of communication and collaboration is to be part of your daily life and to make the use of social media as natural as possible.
One thing that I have to mention is that I still find it quite difficult to understand the difference between all these social media terms (sites, applications, tools, platforms, etc). I guess I will understand this better later in the course or I can just keep it as a thought and ask the professor to explain them in class.
Now, I am trying to decide how to proceed with this blog so I can make sure that my ideas are clear and my reflections have a meaning. I will start by describing my past experiences with the social media list I had included above. By the way, the list doesn't have any particular order. I just wrote the names as I remember them.
One thing that I have to mention is that I still find it quite difficult to understand the difference between all these social media terms (sites, applications, tools, platforms, etc). I guess I will understand this better later in the course or I can just keep it as a thought and ask the professor to explain them in class.
Now, I am trying to decide how to proceed with this blog so I can make sure that my ideas are clear and my reflections have a meaning. I will start by describing my past experiences with the social media list I had included above. By the way, the list doesn't have any particular order. I just wrote the names as I remember them.
I am going to start with number one Skype. Skype has been a very important "tool" in my personal and student life. I started using Skype a few years ago as a medium to keep in touch and communicate with my loved ones in Ecuador.
I found Skype difficult to use it at the beginning, for multiple reasons. 1. The connection to Ecuador was terrible and there was always an echo. Luckily, this has improved and now my skype communications are crystal clear. 2. Even though my family in Ecuador went to an internet cafe to have our video conference call, the Internet speed was still very slow there and the video was just a frozen screen. A few calls later, my family got tired of going to the internet cafe and being on the video. Now, I just call using skype credit and things are fine and less complicated. 3. I have to say that I was very self aware of how I looked before I even turned on the webcam. I also felt that I could have been watched even though it was off. I always made sure to disconnect the webcam completely from the computer after using it.
My other experience with Skype has been studying for exams and collaborating on school projects. Last semester, I worked on a class project where I did research on EFL students in Ecuador and I tested the usability of ABRACADABRA (a software developed by the CSLP at Concordia). I worked in collaboration with a couple of teachers in Ecuador that assisted me with the collection of the data. I spent a few hours on line with them talking about the project. I was delighted to introduce to them to skype. They both were fascinated by that and I continue collaborating with one of them.
I started using google talk as soon as I got my gmail account. This was my principal medium for chatting with friends. I am currently using and testing google talk for some local calls and calls to the US for free. The sound is great, although, I can't say the same thing for International calls to Ecuador. I found the connection wasn't the greatest, but it was definitely cheaper than Skype.
I remember the first time I heard about facebook, I was on a camping trip with a group of friends and they were commenting about how many friends each had in their facebook account and I thought: "wow, that is amazing that they can have so many friends around when I can count my friends with the fingers of my hand".
That was then, and now I have 87 friends. Some are people that I hardly even know. I used to have more than 120 friends but I guess little by little people get overwhelmed with the amount of postings and decided to cut "friends".
My interactions through facebook have been just simple boring status posting like: "It is a nice day" "I am going to the Black Eyed Peas Concert" "I started school". I guess that is why I don't get that many comments. I just don't want to share personal things or thoughts. I leave those kind of things for my conversations with my few real friends.
I opened a Twitter account a while ago and try to follow a couple of friends. I didn't find it interesting and most of all I didn't know how to use it so I stopped checking it. However, I just attended PodCamp Montreal 2010 and during the registration I was asked "what is your Twitter user name?" I was blank! I realized then the importance of having a twitter username. It is kind of your cyber identity name. As soon as I got back home, I opened my new Twitter account and I am proudly following "radio Canada" "The Gazette" "Engadget" and a few others. At least I am starting to see the advantage of using Twitter.
This past summer, while I was looking at possible internship opportunities, I opened my first Delicious account. I found it helpful but for some reason I found it complicated to use as well. I have just added three sites as bookmarks and hopefully I can learn how to add more soon.
Even though I haven't posted any you tube videos, nor have I commented on any you tube videos, I find you tube to be a great social media tool. I can't even imagine life without you tube anymore. I do find some people's comment in you tube a little bit offensive, however. I also see that there are people dedicated to just create you tube videos. I wonder sometimes who has the time to create all those tutorials but thanks to them I can find everything that I need in you tube.
I found Skype difficult to use it at the beginning, for multiple reasons. 1. The connection to Ecuador was terrible and there was always an echo. Luckily, this has improved and now my skype communications are crystal clear. 2. Even though my family in Ecuador went to an internet cafe to have our video conference call, the Internet speed was still very slow there and the video was just a frozen screen. A few calls later, my family got tired of going to the internet cafe and being on the video. Now, I just call using skype credit and things are fine and less complicated. 3. I have to say that I was very self aware of how I looked before I even turned on the webcam. I also felt that I could have been watched even though it was off. I always made sure to disconnect the webcam completely from the computer after using it.
My other experience with Skype has been studying for exams and collaborating on school projects. Last semester, I worked on a class project where I did research on EFL students in Ecuador and I tested the usability of ABRACADABRA (a software developed by the CSLP at Concordia). I worked in collaboration with a couple of teachers in Ecuador that assisted me with the collection of the data. I spent a few hours on line with them talking about the project. I was delighted to introduce to them to skype. They both were fascinated by that and I continue collaborating with one of them.
I started using google talk as soon as I got my gmail account. This was my principal medium for chatting with friends. I am currently using and testing google talk for some local calls and calls to the US for free. The sound is great, although, I can't say the same thing for International calls to Ecuador. I found the connection wasn't the greatest, but it was definitely cheaper than Skype.
I remember the first time I heard about facebook, I was on a camping trip with a group of friends and they were commenting about how many friends each had in their facebook account and I thought: "wow, that is amazing that they can have so many friends around when I can count my friends with the fingers of my hand".
That was then, and now I have 87 friends. Some are people that I hardly even know. I used to have more than 120 friends but I guess little by little people get overwhelmed with the amount of postings and decided to cut "friends".
My interactions through facebook have been just simple boring status posting like: "It is a nice day" "I am going to the Black Eyed Peas Concert" "I started school". I guess that is why I don't get that many comments. I just don't want to share personal things or thoughts. I leave those kind of things for my conversations with my few real friends.
I opened a Twitter account a while ago and try to follow a couple of friends. I didn't find it interesting and most of all I didn't know how to use it so I stopped checking it. However, I just attended PodCamp Montreal 2010 and during the registration I was asked "what is your Twitter user name?" I was blank! I realized then the importance of having a twitter username. It is kind of your cyber identity name. As soon as I got back home, I opened my new Twitter account and I am proudly following "radio Canada" "The Gazette" "Engadget" and a few others. At least I am starting to see the advantage of using Twitter.
This past summer, while I was looking at possible internship opportunities, I opened my first Delicious account. I found it helpful but for some reason I found it complicated to use as well. I have just added three sites as bookmarks and hopefully I can learn how to add more soon.
Even though I haven't posted any you tube videos, nor have I commented on any you tube videos, I find you tube to be a great social media tool. I can't even imagine life without you tube anymore. I do find some people's comment in you tube a little bit offensive, however. I also see that there are people dedicated to just create you tube videos. I wonder sometimes who has the time to create all those tutorials but thanks to them I can find everything that I need in you tube.
I have been looking at blogs for a quite a while but not really following any per se. I had a couple of attempts to start my own blog but I found it difficult to write publicly what I thought and I didn't find it easy to find an interesting topic to write about. I think this time is different and I find it enjoyable to write about my experiences and reflections with social media.
My first time using google docs, I really enjoyed it. It was very easy to collaborate. I even suggested to people in one of my classes where we had to do a group project to put all our ideas in one google doc since we all were sending emails to each other. It worked! I thing this is one of my favorite "tools" for collaboration but I definitely have to learn how to use it very well.
I get very confused with all the wikis (wikipedia, wiki answers, wow wiki, etc). I think that there should be a book in the series "wiki for idiots". As I was writing this sentence I searched online and there it is "wiki for dummies".
I got curious about using Wikispaces while I was taking HPT last semester and I was requested to create a e-portfolio. I ended up not using that one for the class but at least I explored it a little bit.
My friend created a LinkedIn account for me. At the beginning, I was a little bit skeptical about it but now I consider it to be a fundamental tool in someone's professional life. I haven't really exploited all the wonderful features but hopefully I can learn more about it in the future.
The first time I used second life I was scared. I remember signing on and immediately signing off. I felt that somebody was watching me. I was afraid of making mistakes. I didn't use it for a while until in one of my classes I explored second life as an Educational tool. One funny thing was that the first time I tried to change my avatar's clothes, I was wearing a box on my head for half an hour and couldn't figure out how to get it off. Later, when I got it off, I accidentally removed my avatar's hair too, and had to walk around bald!
That's the magic of social media.
My first time using google docs, I really enjoyed it. It was very easy to collaborate. I even suggested to people in one of my classes where we had to do a group project to put all our ideas in one google doc since we all were sending emails to each other. It worked! I thing this is one of my favorite "tools" for collaboration but I definitely have to learn how to use it very well.
I get very confused with all the wikis (wikipedia, wiki answers, wow wiki, etc). I think that there should be a book in the series "wiki for idiots". As I was writing this sentence I searched online and there it is "wiki for dummies".
I got curious about using Wikispaces while I was taking HPT last semester and I was requested to create a e-portfolio. I ended up not using that one for the class but at least I explored it a little bit.
My friend created a LinkedIn account for me. At the beginning, I was a little bit skeptical about it but now I consider it to be a fundamental tool in someone's professional life. I haven't really exploited all the wonderful features but hopefully I can learn more about it in the future.
The first time I used second life I was scared. I remember signing on and immediately signing off. I felt that somebody was watching me. I was afraid of making mistakes. I didn't use it for a while until in one of my classes I explored second life as an Educational tool. One funny thing was that the first time I tried to change my avatar's clothes, I was wearing a box on my head for half an hour and couldn't figure out how to get it off. Later, when I got it off, I accidentally removed my avatar's hair too, and had to walk around bald!
That's the magic of social media.
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